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《英语沙龙》(高中版)--The Hare Herder魔笛唤兔闯情关

The Hare Herder魔笛唤兔闯情关


The Lad Encountered a Helper During Breaking Pass


A wealthy king had a very beautiful daughter. When the time came for her to marry, all the suitors gathered in a large green meadow1. She repeatedly threw a golden apple into the air, agreeing to marry the one who caught it and then fulfilled2 three tasks that she herself would assign. Many suitors caught the apple, including a good-looking, lively shepherd lad, but none of the others were able to fulfill the tasks.

Finally it was the shepherd’s turn, the last and the lowest of all the suitors. The first task was as follows: The king had a hundred hares in a stall. The shepherd was to drive them out to a pasture, herd them, and then bring them all back home in the evening.

When the shepherd heard this he wanted a day’s time to think about whether or not he could undertake the venture. He wandered into the surrounding hills, filled with sorrow, for he was afraid that he would not succeed. Then he met a little old woman who asked him why he was sad.

He said, “No one can help me.”

The little gray woman said, “Don’t be so quick to judge. Tell me what is the matter, and perhaps I can help.”

So he explained the task to her.

Then the woman gave him a little flute, saying, “Take good care of this. It will be of value to you.”

Before the lad could thank her, she disappeared.

Now in good spirits, he went to the king and said, “I want to herd the hares.”

They were released from the stall, and by the time that the last one came out, the first one was nowhere to be seen. They had scattered in all directions. The lad went out, sat down on a green hill, and thought, “What should I do now?”

Then he remembered his flute. He took it out and blew into it. Suddenly all hundred of the hares ran toward him and began to graze3 peacefully near him on the green hill.



The Flute Made Tricks Fail and the Lad Through


The king and the princess did not want him to fulfill the task because he was such a poor sucker4, not high-born at all, and they thought about ways to prevent him from bringing all the hares back home.

Thus the princess disguised5 herself and changed her appearance so that he would not know her, but he recognized her nonetheless.

Seeing that all the hares were still there, she asked, “Could I buy one of the hares?”

The lad said, “The hares are not for sale, but one can be earned.”

She asked further, “How am I to understand that?”

The lad said, “If you will be my sweetheart and spend a cuddly6 hour with me!”

She did not want to do this, but she did want one of the hares, so finally she gave in and did what the lad wanted. After he had cuddled with her and kissed her enough, he caught a hare for her and put it into her basket, and then she went away.

A quarter-hour later the shepherd blew into his flute, and the hare pushed up the basket’s lid, jumped out, and ran back to him.

Not long afterward the old king, also disguised, came to the shepherd, but the lad recognized him as well. The king was riding a donkey with a basket hanging on either side.

The king asked, “Will you sell me a hare?”

“No, the hares are not for sale, but one can be earned.”

“How am I to understand that?” asked the king.

“Just kiss the donkey beneath its tail,” began the lad, “and you can have one.”

The king did not want to do this and offered the shepherd good money if he would sell him one, but the lad refused. Seeing that he could not buy a hare for money the king finally gave in and kissed the donkey a good one right beneath its tail. Then a hare was caught and put into one of the baskets on the donkey, and the king went on his way. He hadn’t gone very far when the lad blew into his flute. The hare jumped out of the basket and ran back.

Arriving home, the king said, “He is a stubborn7 fellow. I couldn’t get a hare from him.” But the king did not say what he had done.

“Yes,” answered the princess, “I couldn’t get one either.” But she too did not admit what she had done.

That evening the lad returned with his hares and counted them for the king, all hundred of them were back in the stall.

“You have fulfilled the first task,” said the king, “and now for the second one. Pay attention! One hundred bushels8 of peas and one hundred bushels of lentils are lying in my loft. I had them all mixed up together. If you can separate them in one night, without light, then you will have fulfilled the second task.”

The lad said, “I can do it!”

He was locked inside the loft, and the door was securely fastened. When everything was quiet in the castle, he blew into his flute, then many thousands of ants appeared and scurried9 back and forth until they had piled all the peas in one heap and all the lentils in a separate one.

When the king looked in early the next morning and saw that the task had been fulfilled, he did not see any ants, for they had all gone away.

Then he said, “In the coming night if you can eat your way through a large room filled with bread, so that nothing is left over, then you will have fulfilled the third task, and you can have my daughter.”

When it was dark the lad was put into the room filled with bread. It was so full that there was only a tiny space for him next to the door. When everything was quiet in the castle he once again blew into his flute, and so many mice appeared that it almost frightened him. At daybreak all the bread had been eaten, with not a single crumb left over.

He pounded on the door and shouted, “Open up! I’m hungry!” And with that the third task had been fulfilled.



The King Finally Gave in Under the True Lie


However, the king said, “Just for the fun of it, tell us a sack full of lies, and then you can have my daughter.”

So the lad told them a terrible lie for half the day, but he could not fill the sack, so finally he related, “I have already spent a cuddly hour with the princess, my bride-to-be.”

Hearing these words, the princess turned fire-red. The king looked at her, and although it was supposed to be a lie, he believed it to be true, putting together in his own mind where and how it had happened.

“The sack is not full yet!” he shouted.

Then the lad began, “And furthermore, the king kissed...”

“It’s full! It’s full! Tie it shut!” shouted the king. He was ashamed and did not want anyone to know how the donkey had been honored with the king’s royal mouth, for all of his courtiers were standing around in a circle.

So the shepherd lad married the princess, and the wedding was celebrated for fourteen days. Such a grand time was had by all that the person who told this story wishes that he had been a guest there as well.



1. meadow [ˈmedəʊ] n. 草场;牧场

2. fulfill [fʊl'fɪl] vt. 履行;实现;完成

3. graze [greɪz] vi. (牛、羊等)啃食牧草

4. sucker [ˈsʌkə(r)] n. <俚> 吸血鬼,寄生虫

5. disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] vt. 假扮,化装

6. cuddly [ˈkʌdlɪ] a. 喜欢搂搂抱抱的

7. stubborn [ˈstʌbən] a. 难驾驭的;难对付的

8. bushel ['bʊʃəl] n. 蒲式耳(谷物、水果、蔬菜等的容量单位,在英国等于36.368升,在美国等于35.238升)

9. scurry [ˈskʌrɪ] vi. 急匆匆地走,急赶,奔忙





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