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Cards & Tags with A Beautiful Mess Stamps



1.You never know when you’ll need a cute greeting card or gift tag, and that’s why I love making bunches1 of them to keep on hand. You know how much I love fancy gift wrapping—and a cute little homemade tag or card is the perfect companion2 to a thoughtfully wrapped gift.



2.I was so excited to receive three sets of A Beautiful Mess stamps to play with, and spent the next week dreaming up fun ways to use them to make cute and quirky3 cards. Emojis4really are the perfect little accents5 to any kind of greeting card! It’s like an Instagram comment sent via snailmail6. Who wouldn’t be delighted to get one?



3.For this card, I filled a glassine7 envelope with confetti8 and sealed it with my sewing machine. Then I glued it onto a card and accented it with a little square of gold cardstock9 and a confetti stamp. I added a celebratory “HIP HIP hooray” with the alpha stamp set and some little stamps I’ve had for ages.



4.This card would be perfect to send to a far away friend for New Year’s Day. They can rip open10 the glassine envelope and throw confetti in memory of you!



5.This naughty or nice card is a fun holiday greeting card—perfect for sending to a cheeky11friend. I stamped two stamps onto different shades of pink cardstock and elevated12 the cardstock with foam tape to give it dimension13. I used an old set of little stamps for the “naughty or nice” phrase.



6.We like to tease my sister-in-law for her excess use of “I can’t” as an expression of amusement. This would be the perfect card to send to her! It was so simple to make too. I just stamped the blue card with the stamp and added the words with an old alpha14 stamp set. Then I stitched15 angled pieces of olive green cardstock to the top and bottom. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you could easily glue on the pieces of cardstock instead!



7.Sewing on Paper Tip: It’s safe to sew through paper if there isn’t adhesive on the paper. Make sure to change your needle to a fresh one before sewing into fabric16 again.



8.These little round tags are just the cutest! I think it’s probably because of the dancing twin girls, honestly. I made the top two tags with the cross and triangle stamp from the bow stamp set, and the bottom tag features the dancing girls from the stamp set. I punched out17 the cardstock with circle punches and cut out the yellow cardstock with pinkingshears18.



9.If you know someone who’s been an angel all year (or would have you believe they’ve been good), the HO HOHO tag above would be a perfect way to adorn their gift! I used the alpha stamp set and stamp set for these tags and accented the plain cardstock with pieces of glitter19 cardstock. Fancy and fun!



10.Stamping onto plain gift tags is a super quick way to give your gifts a custom look. On these premade tags, I used the heart and heart eyes stamps as well as the striped ribbon and triangle from the bow stamp set. Very quick and easy!



11.Which one’s your favorite? I think I’m going to have some friends over for hot chocolate, Christmas movies, and crafts so I can make my other dream cards into reality! Uh-oh... I might be addicted20.




1. bunch [bʌntʃ]n.束,串,捆

2. companion[kəmˈpænjən]n.同伴

3. quirky['kwɜ:kɪ]a.诡诈的,离奇的

4. emoji[ɪˈməʊ]n.图符号

5. accent[ˈæksənt]n.特点,特色

6. snail mail传统信件

7. glassine['glɑ:si:n] n.薄玻璃纸;羊皮纸

8. confetti[kənˈfetɪ] n.(婚礼时撒在新娘新郎身上的)五彩纸屑

9. cardstock [kɑ:dstɔk] n. 卡纸

10. rip open撕开

11. cheeky[ˈtʃɪkɪ] a. <>厚脸皮的

12. elevateelɪveɪt] vt.举起;提高

13. dimension[dɪˈmeən]n. 维度

14. alpha [ˈælfə]n.希腊字母的第一个字母

15. stitch[stɪtʃ] vt.缝;缝补

16. fabric[ˈfæbrɪk] n.织物

17. punch out打孔

18. pinking shears锯齿剪刀

19. glitter[ˈɡlɪtə] n. 灿烂的光辉;闪烁

20. addicted [əˈdɪktɪd]a.上瘾的;沉迷于某种嗜好的


1. emoji就是表情符号,现已普遍应用于手机短信和网络聊天软件。这些符号可以让您的消息变得更有充满趣味并为您的生活增添亮点。emoji的创造者是栗田穣崇(ShigetakaKurit),他根据日本漫画中有许多不同的符号进行了重新安排。

2. Instagram(照片墙)是一款跨平台(iOSAndroidWindows Phone)的图片社交应用,搭配强大的社交分享功能(支持FacebookTwitter、新浪微博、Tumblr等社交网站),用相片连接全世界爱好摄影的陌生人,把他们变成Instagram好友、彼此吹捧的粉丝,让影像成为他们唯一对话的语言,为用户搭建起快速分享生活瞬间的平台。Instagram的创意来自于即时成像相机,命名取自“Instant(即时的)”与“-gram(记录)”,意为“像电报般即时分享照片”。





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