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《英语沙龙》(初中版)--Shaun the Sheep Movie 小羊肖恩

Shaun the Sheep Movie


编者按:出品过超级无敌掌门狗Wallace &Gromit)和《小鸡快跑》(Chick Run)的阿曼达动画公司又出品了《小羊肖恩》(Shaun the Sheep Movie)电影版。故事讲述的是在英国一个乡村农场里面,肖恩的一个小伙伴误打误撞,将熟睡中的农夫错送入城,小羊肖恩为了营救主人第一次走出农场,肖恩不仅羊生路不熟,还要照顾伙伴,同时还要躲避凶狠的抓羊人的追捕……肖恩和小伙伴们着女装扮人类,上演了一场羊羊出城大冒险!


When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix-up with the Farmer, a caravan1 and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City and it’s up to Shaun and the flock to return everyone safely to the green grass of home. Join Shaun, Bitzer and the Flock on their hilarious2, action-packed3, big screen adventure as they make plans to rescue the missing Farmer.



Shaun is a sheep with a heart of gold but his love of mischief can sometimes lead the Flock into trouble! He’s smart, inquisitive4 and always on the look-out for adventure. No matter what life throws at him, Shaun has a solution, thinking on his feet to get his pals out of trouble. He’s a brave and loyal friend, who might not always be the most sensible sheep in the Flock but he really does care about his Mossy Bottom family.



She may not be the prettiest pooch5 on the block, but Slip is simply adorable. With her goofyteeth6 and gentle nature, Slip only has to bat her long eyelashes to make a new friend, and it’s not long before Shaun falls under her spell.



It’s usually double the trouble when this woolly duo7is involved. Impossible to tell apart, they’re always up for an adventure, so when Shaun suggests a day out, these two are first in the line! Boisterous8, loud and full of energy, this sparky9 pair likes nothing better than battling it out in a play fight.



The smallest member of the Flock, Timmy always has a smile on his face and loves to tag along with his hero Shaun. Wherever Shaun goes, Timmy follows, even if that means getting into the odd scrape10 or two. Timmy might be teeny11 but he’s bright as button and has some unexpected uses when the flock hit the Big City.



With hair rollers firmly fixed in place, Timmy’s Mum likes to look her best, even when she’s running around keeping an eye on her energetic offspring. When the Flock take off to find the Farmer in the Big City, she follows close behind, using her motherly instincts to keep everybody safe in this big and scary new world.



Poor Farmer thinks he’s got it all under control down at Mossy Bottom Farm. As he potters12around the fields, his faithful dog Bitzer by his side, Farmer’s completely blind to the mischief going on right under his nose! Farmer enjoys nothing more than a cup of tea in front of the TV after a hard day’s farming. But he’s about to see his quiet life turned upside downas the Flock embark on their most daring plan to date…



Three times the size of any other member of the Flock, Shirley’s a big gal13 who can eat anyone under the table. She also possesses another useful skillthe ability to conceal all manner of weird and wonderful things within her incredibly woolly fleece14.



His name says it all! Nuts is the charming eccentric of the Flock, with an unusual way of looking at the world that sometimes confuses his woolly companions. No one knows what goes on his head but he brings his own unique skills to the table when the Flock find themselves deposited in the middle of the Big City.



Hazel’s nerves often get the better of hershe’s a timid little sheep who jumps at the slightest thing and can frequently be heard bleating15 nervously. When she finds herself carried along with the rest of the Flock in hot pursuit of a runaway caravan, Hazel discovers she’s much braver than she ever imagined.



Always sensible and a stickler16 for the rules, Bitzer usually does a good job of keeping Shaun in check. But in the movie, even he can’t put the brakes on Shaun’s crazy plans for a day away from the farm. An experienced “peace-keeper”, Bitzer is used to covering Shaun’s tracks and shielding Farmer from his frequent mischief-making.



An animal warden17 who despises18 animals, Trumper is the movie’s bad guya power-crazed villain19 who rules the city’s animal shelter with an iron grip20. With his high-tech equipment and all-seeing eyes, nothing escapes Trumper’s attention, so when an unruly band of farm animals appears on his radar, the hunt is on!


Trail 花絮

HRH The Duke of Cambridgealso known as Prince William - added his own mark to a Shaun sculpture at a special event to launch the first ever UK-China Year of Culture Exchange. The prince took part in a traditional “eye dotting ceremony”, adding a final touch to the Shaun which was designed by Creative Lead of Aardman Rights, Danny Heffer. The sculpturenamed “Shaun in Ewenion”will join 49 other Shauns which will be on show across 5 cities in China.



1. caravan[ˈkærəvæn]n.(可供居住的)拖车,大篷车

2. hilarious [hɪˈleərɪəs]a.非常滑稽的;令人捧腹的

3. action-packed ['ækʃənpækt]a.充满令人激动情节的

4. inquisitive[ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv]a.好问的,好奇的

5. pooch[pu:tʃ]n.<美俚>

6. goofy teeth犬齿

7. duo [ˈdju:əʊ]n.二重唱;二人组

8. boisterous[ˈbɔɪstərəs]a.喧闹的

9. sparky [ˈspɑ:kɪ]a.活泼的,充满活力的

10. scrape [skreɪp]n.自己造成的困境

11. teeny [ˈti:nɪ]a.<>极小的,极微的

12. potter [ˈpɒtə(r)]vi.慢条斯理地走,闲逛

13. gal [gæl]n.女孩,少女

14. fleece [fli:s]n.羊毛

15. bleat [bli:t]vi.(羊,小牛)叫; 哭诉

16. stickler[ˈstɪklə(r)]n.坚持的人

17. warden [ˈwɔ:dn]n.看守人; 典狱官

18. despise[dɪˈspaɪz]vt.鄙视,看不起

19. villain[ˈvɪlən]n.(小说、戏剧等中的)反面人物

20. grip [grɪp]n.把手;手柄


1. bargain for料到;预料

2. think on one’s feet反应敏捷; 反应快; 随机应变

3. fall under ones spell 被某人迷住

4. battle it out决一胜负

5. bright as button非常聪明

6. under ones nose 在某人的眼皮底下;公然

7. get the better of sb. 挫败…;占上风

8. keep… in check约束;制止





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