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An electric lunch box to get 5 working meals

作者:Zhongshan YUYANG Hardware Electrical Factory 来源:yuyangdq 发布时间:2021-05-16 浏览:1310
An electric lunch box to get 5 working meals

On the March 15 Consumer Rights Protection Day that just passed, the online ordering platform was pushed to the forefront. Ele.me became the first company "on the list" at the 3.15 party. Behind the glorious Internet, there are various unsanitary factors in the black workshop. When you are hungry, do you dare to order takeaway? As a reporter of Home Weekly, who loves life and is enthusiastic, this issue will personally experience the electric lunch box and prepare a week’s recipe, allowing you to easily get a nutritious work meal.


Five-color whole grains + steamed eggs

On Monday, you might as well have something light to soothe your tired stomach after eating and drinking on the weekend.

Ingredients: pumpkin, purple sweet potato, yam, small potatoes, red dates, eggs

Process: All the ingredients can be washed one day in advance and brought to the unit. Lunch time is up, just turn on the power, put all the ingredients into the lower steamer for 40 minutes, 20 minutes later, put eggs in the upper layer, and continue steaming for another 20 minutes.


Pork Ribs in Black Bean Sauce + Rice with Peas

On Tuesday, the busy week has just begun. How can I survive the remaining four days without some hard goods?

Ingredients: ribs (seasoning: garlic, ginger, tempeh, light soy sauce), rice, peas

Process: Prepare the ribs one night in advance, and marinate them overnight in a plastic bag with minced garlic, ginger, tempeh and light soy sauce. Bring the rice and the ribs in the bag directly to the unit, steam the ribs directly on the upper layer, and steam the rice and peas on the lower layer with water. The rice and meat will be cooked together for 40 minutes.


Miso soup + steamed rice

On Wednesday, continue to spend in a busy schedule, with rice and soup, and rich ingredients to ensure comprehensive nutrition.

Ingredients: fresh shrimp, tofu, kelp, mushrooms, miso paste, rice

Process: Put the miso sauce in the lower layer of the lunch box and rinse with water, put all the ingredients in the soup, put the rice and water in the upper layer of the lunch box, and steam for 40 minutes.


Steamed Egg Custard + Steamed Rice with Sausage

On Thursday, I feel that my body has reached its limit. Let’s have a bowl of smooth custard and steamed rice with Chinese sausage.

Ingredients: eggs, sausages, rice

Process: Steaming rice in the lower layer of the lunch box takes 40 minutes in total. When it is steamed for 20 minutes, put the egg liquid (beat an egg, add 100ml of water and appropriate amount of salt) on the upper layer of the lunch box, and continue to steam for another 20 minutes. After jumping to heat preservation, put the cut sausage on the rice and keep it warm for about 5 minutes.


Mixed rice

On Friday, and on the weekend again, are the evening games scheduled? Only by eating well at noon can you avoid eating bans at night, girls, don’t forget that summer is coming soon.

Ingredients: lean meat, potatoes, mushrooms, beans, rice

Process: Cut the lean meat at home, dice potatoes, beans, and mushrooms, mix directly with the soaked rice, pour light soy sauce and olive oil directly to the unit, when lunch time is up, turn on the power and steam for 40 minutes , Vegetable pilaf is fully cooked.


1. In the above recipes, the editor only provides several ingredients suitable for steaming, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, eggs, meat, fungi, tofu, etc., because they themselves require a long time to cook, so the most Suitable for making working meals. The reason why green vegetables do not appear in the recipe is that all green vegetables are easy to lose nutrients and are not suitable for steaming. It can be replaced with raw vegetables, such as lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., eaten raw or cut at home, add some nuts, tuna, etc., directly into a salad is also a good match.

2. In the above recipes, the heating rice function of the electric lunch box is not introduced. The heating rice function is relatively simple, so I won't repeat it. However, I remind you again that leafy vegetables are not suitable for hot rice. Vegetables that have been fried to once are steamed again. It is estimated that the nutrition is lost. It is better to choose a variety of roots and stems, such as potatoes and radishes, which are suitable for heating. Dishes such as curry chicken (can be replaced with beef and shrimp), radish stewed sirloin (can be replaced with ribs, lamb, etc.), vegetables and meat, nourishment and rice.

3. Some electric lunch boxes have an appointment function, and office workers can make an appointment for lunch time when they arrive at the unit in the morning, so there is no need to work and be distracted. This is very suitable for mothers who take their babies alone, no need to look after them, and saves the trouble of cooking.

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