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博益英语 《商务英语》中级班

博益英语 《商务英语》中级班 相关信息由 博益英语提供。如需了解更详细的 博益英语 《商务英语》中级班 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.com/b2b/boyi.html 查看 博益英语 的详细联系方式。



您真正专业的英语语言文化教育品牌! Your Professional Authentic English Language Culture & Education Brand ! 博益英语的课程特色(Course Characteristics): 1、最易学、快速掌握的纯美式发音秘诀,真正让你拥有像美国人一样的发音! 2、{zxj}、{gx}的语言思维速成口语训练{wp}秘诀,真正让你轻轻松松掌握英语语言思维! 3、最实用的句型改装联想操练风暴教学,真正让你实现英语口语水平的飞速提升! 3、中国最活跃的超强学习模式———团队互助英语操练! 彻底改变传统枯燥烦闷的语言学习方式!彻底粉碎“聋哑英语”!让你在最短时间内真正开口讲一口发音纯正的流利英文! 方法快速!模式先进!课堂活跃!学员自信! 博益英语的主要优势(Main Advantages): 先进的速成英语口语培训理念和方法 {gx}的“语言思维速成口语教学法”和活跃的“团队互助英语操练模式” 真实的英语文化环境 英语俱乐部沙龙 口语大操练 英语角(高级进阶课程的学员配外教) “看电影学英语” 英语报刊 成功目标的梦想激励 英语是自信 英语是财富 英语是成功 “挖掘生命潜能,凝聚生命能量”课程 专业的教练团队 一群持有英语专业八级的专业英语教练和经验丰富的外教 成功的承诺 保证您达到预期的学习目标. 地址:小榄新华中路30号博益英语培训中心(小榄镇政府后、电脑城后侧) 咨询电话:22114688(总机) 22553031 22553032 传真号码:22553030 Benefit English School is one of the largest English education and training institutions in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City. We are the qualified foreign language education and training institute as approved by Zhongshan Education Department. We are professional in English training. Currently we are teaching students in Oral English, BEC English for adults, and we also teach children with Cambridge Children's English courses and Global English kids. Our school has good qualified teachers like: Damon Leung: Is one of the outstanding disciples of Crazy English Li Yang. He majored in English language and Chinese language education teaching profession. He is the teaching director of Benefit English School and has been providing many teaching assistance to other English school with pure American English authentic pronunciation, with a quick oral English teaching approach. Many foreign investment, joint ventures and hotels in Zhongshan have passed through his hands. Not with standing that also many thousands of students have passed his comprehensive English teaching methods with sense of humor. Nanny: is a foreigner and has worked with many famous Hong Kong and Chinese training companies. He majored in Marketing and Sales. He has also worked with many international companies and Radio Stations in South Africa. He has a lot of teaching experience in Business English, Oral English and western life culture. In addition, Benefit English School have more than 10 expert teachers majored in English language and have passed test for English Majored Grade Eight (TEM 8). Our teachers will always make you have fun in learning English. Benefit English School has trained the following companies of Europe, the United Stated in Zhongshan Industrial Co., Ltd: Zhongshan Uniross Industry Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Myrra Electronics Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Armor Industry Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Galic Industry Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Stanley Work Tool Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Denon Maranz Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Ausnow International Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Mega Hotel Zhongshan Hujing Hotel Etc.
课程   《商务英语》中级班
上课时间   两个月,逢周一、三、五、或周二、四、六晚上730930
学习内容   各种对外商务会话、电子邮件电函写作、阅读
课时    48小时
每班限额   14---16
English is not that difficult, but we have been on a wrong path before!
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