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供应BTD隔爆防爆投光灯 国家防爆认证 LED工矿灯具
供应BTD隔爆防爆投光灯 国家防爆认证 LED工矿灯具

供应BTD隔爆防爆投光灯 国家防爆认证 LED工矿灯具

供应BTD隔爆防爆投光灯 国家防爆认证 LED工矿灯具 相关信息由 宜兴市华宏电器有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 供应BTD隔爆防爆投光灯 国家防爆认证 LED工矿灯具 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.com/b2b/huahong003.html 查看 宜兴市华宏电器有限公司 的详细联系方式。








   Yixing Huahong Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise engaged in development,manufacturing with the sale of the explosion-proof lightings, explosion-proof electric appliance and industrial lightingproducts. Its dominant products are LED maintenance-free series products, which can fully meet the requirements of energy saving and emission reduction and advocating the low-carbon life, may be in free-maintenance service all the

year round in the guarantee period, and promotes the development of energy saving and emission reduction. In addition,Huahong products have been widely used in the fields such as the petrol, petrochemical, coal mine, electric power,railway, metallurgy, ship, fire control, workshop, port, stadium and so on.

   Embracing the operation tenet of "honesty orientation, quality first" and insisting on the principle of customer satisfaction, the company has established the perfect sales service network and increased the input of technology, to meet the customers' requirements and provide the high-efficiency, particular, overall and professional service.

   Based on the domestic and foreign advanced technology and workmanship and ensured by the introduced automated equipment, the product has the excellent potential values in the production process with the intelligent mature technology and the most outstanding manufacturing tools. Therefore, the company's strong strength and success foundation has been formed, and, the products are enjoyed by the each engineering company, petrochemical, medicine and electric power.  

   The company will continue to adhere to the enterprise development policy of "making innovation, scientific development,top quality & high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection", to strive for a comprehensive modern leading enterprise with the strong competitive power.


详细信息 我也要发布信息到此页面

防爆投光灯-华宏电器专业从事防爆投光灯 防爆投光灯 防爆投光灯批发销售.质量优越,防爆投光灯防爆荧光灯 防爆应急灯畅销大江南北及国外市场














●{gx}节能 LED是迄今为止发光效率{zg}的光源,同等照度可比传统光源节电50%-70%,即用较小功率的LED灯具代替较大功率的传统灯具,可获得相同的照明效果,是实现节能减排的{zj0}选择; 

●超长寿命 LED为固体光源,无灯丝熔断,电极老化等弊端,平均寿命在5万小时以上,是迄今为止最长寿命的光源,可长期免维护使用; 

●安全可靠 LED采用直流低电压供电,发热量远低于传统电光源,且不产生高频电磁场,对周边设备不形成电磁干扰;LED使用环氧树脂固体封装,耐冲击、抗震动、不易破碎; 

●绿色环保 LED的发射光谱wq在可见光波段,无紫外线辐射,不含汞,不产生重金属污染;无灯丝熔断、玻璃破碎、可燃性及毒性物质外泄等环保隐患。



●额定电压:AC220V 50HZ(可根据用户要求定做)


●执行标准:GB3836.1 GB3836.2 GB3836.3









※ 可配多种光源,可作水平360°,仰 90°,俯 60°大面积照明。
※ 适用于爆炸危险场所的 1 区、2 区。

郑重声明:产品 【供应BTD隔爆防爆投光灯 国家防爆认证 LED工矿灯具】由 宜兴市华宏电器有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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