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供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机
供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机
供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机
供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机
供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机
供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机

供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机

供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机 相关信息由 上海潇永湘计算机科技有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.com/b2b/lls1962.html 查看 上海潇永湘计算机科技有限公司 的详细联系方式。

罗锡惠(公司 总经理)
86 021 69590757
中国 上海 上海市 嘉定黄渡镇联群龚家村337号


本公司座落在上海嘉定黄渡工业园,这里有优量的交通环境在曹安公路旁,离上海市中心人民广场二十八公里。北安线、860、翔黄线、嘉黄线、卫嘉线、旅游6号B线等可直达。有优厚的地力条件、这里西靠上海国际汽车城。有优厚的技术力量和雄厚的经济基础。我司常年高价回收学校、单位、公司、网吧、个人二手电脑、笔记本电脑、显示器、打印机、主板、电源、内存、cpu、硬盘、光驱、键盘。我司专业组装;维修电脑;网络布线;网吧布线 公司电脑包年维护;常年招收学员.学习项目:电脑组装维修;网络工程;软、硬件学习;软件安装;系统安装;办公自动化;图片制作; 愿与广大客户携手合作,共同发展。 This company is located in the Shanghai Jiading yellow crosses the industry garden, Here is a good transport environment in cao’an road, to the Shanghai town center people square 28 kilometers, beian line, 860 line, xianghuang line, jianghuang line, weijia line , to travel 6 B lines and so on to be possible to go directly. Has the munificent soil fertility condition, west here depending on the Shanghai international automobile city. Has the munificent technical force and the abundant economic basis. I take charge of year to year the high price to recycle the school, the unit, the company, the Internet bar, individual second-hand computer, the notebook, the monitor, the printer, the motherboard, the power source, the memory, cpu, the hard disk, the light to drive, the keyboard. I take charge of the specialized assembly; Services the computer; Network wiring; Internet bar wiring; Constructs the website; Company computer package of year maintenance; Year to year recruits the student. Study project: Computer assembly service; Network project; Software and hardware study; Software installment; System installation; Office automation; Picture manufacture; Is willing to cooperate hand in hand with the general customers, communal development.
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供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机
郑重声明:产品 【供应赛孚NS-100F  72口交换机】由 上海潇永湘计算机科技有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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