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PD系列不锈钢传感器\PDG系列机械式液位传感器\液位传感器\PD\PinDing大量yz供应 相关信息由 深圳市品鼎科技有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 PD系列不锈钢传感器\PDG系列机械式液位传感器\液位传感器\PD\PinDing大量yz供应 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.com/b2b/pdkeji321.html 查看 深圳市品鼎科技有限公司 的详细联系方式。



深圳市品鼎科技有限公司(PD/PinDing)专业从事发电机组相关产品的研发、生产和销售。 长期销售以下产品,种类齐全,价格优惠,服务周到。 欢迎登录公司网站(www.pdkeji.com)查看产品信息或来电0755-27302770咨询!    ● 液位传感器    PD系列,PDS系列,PDT系列,PDE系列不锈钢传感器适用于各种卡车、巴士和柴油发电机组。可探测油箱内的油位,客户可根据需要选择高低液位报警功能。拆装方便,密封可靠。可根据客户需求定制不同长度。    PDG系列,PDQ系列机械式液位传感器,仪表和传感器有效的连接在一起,显示更直观,成本更低。    ● 减振器    PD系列减振器从力学特征、胶料配方、制造工艺和结构等诸方面进行了优化研究和改进,其综合性能具有国际同等水平。    适用于发电机组,空压机,风机,冷冻机,泵等机械设备的隔振,对锻、冲压机械的隔振也有明显效果,可根据客户需求定做。    ● 智能充电器    PDBC系列机组智能充电器是专门为蓄电池而设计,适用于各种品牌、型号、功率的柴油发动机配套使用。适用于对铅酸蓄电池,特别适用于对全密封固体宽温电池进行充电。    具有恒压、恒流、涓流、充满自停、抗短路等功能特性。    ● 控制器启动扩展板    控制器启动保护板可与所有品牌的控制器配套使用。安装方便,美观,省时省力,有效降低组装成本。运行更可靠,使用gaq,寿命更长。    ● 发电机组控制器、控制箱    具有手动/自动、三遥通讯、并机功能等特点,质量可靠,外形美观,使用方便。    ● 仪表、传感器    外形美观,显示准确,运行可靠,可根据客户需求定做。    ● 电子调速器/电子执行器    适用于各种3-4000KW品牌发电机组、柴油机、汽油机、燃汽机。    上柴/潍柴/济柴/康明斯/珀金斯等机组配套和电子化改造。    ● 全自动/手动并联柜及其配件    ● 双电源自动切换开关(柜)- ATS    ● AVR、DVR电子调压器
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Shenzhen Pinding Technology Co., Ltd. is specialized in R&D, production and sale of diesel genset and related products. We are a leading spare parts supplier in China's diesel genset industry. We have established good cooperation with many domestic large and medium diesel genset assembly plants. Welcomes the company's Web site () View product information or call 086-0755-27302770 advice! PD serial stainless steel sensors are suitable for various diesel generating sets, trucks, and buses, which can test the fuel level of oil box. You can choose low or high warning level according to your need.The length can be customized according to the customers' requirment.Easy to install, sealed and reliable. PDS serial stainless steel sensors only have the display and alarm functions, which display through the meter. PDT Series Stainless Steel sensors are added with oil inlet pipe/oil return pipe on the basis of PDS, they could provide fuel to the engine through the pipe, while the leftover fuel could return to oil box by pipe and be used circularly. PDE Series stainless steel sensors are based on PDT; the oil return pipes has been extended, which could effectively control the distance between oil inlet and oil return opening, and these sensors are added with the venthole. PDG series mechanical liquid level sensors, the meter and sensor are connected, which shows more obviously and has lower cost. PDQ series mechanical liquid level sensors are based on PDG series and added low or high level alarm function. Specification:100 ~ 2000mm(the length can be customize according to the customers' requirement) . Install type:five holes,SAE five holes or 1 BSP screw-in type. Working principle: 1. Voltage signal output fuel level sensor Regular output:0.5~`4.5v, output line signal 2. Resistance signal output fuel level sensor; regular line output A、European standard :0~190 ohm B、American standard:240~33ohm C、other specification
郑重声明:产品 【PD系列不锈钢传感器\PDG系列机械式液位传感器\液位传感器\PD\PinDing大量yz供应】由 深圳市品鼎科技有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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